- Mobilizing Private Climate Financing in Emerging Market and Developing Economies, IMF Staff Climate Note, July 27, 2022 (Box 5 shows a case study on climate financing for replacing coal with renewables)
- The Great Carbon Arbitrage: Going short on coal and long on renewables, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), July 16, 2022
- A Coasian Bargain: Climate Financing to Phase Out Coal, SUEFR, The European Money and Finance Forum, June 23, 2022
- Weekend Read: Protecting the Vulnerable | Scrapping Coal | Fragility and Conflict | Women | North Africa's Informal Economy | Economies from Outer, IMF Weekend Read, June 12, 2022
- The Great Carbon Arbitrage, Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, June 10, 2022
- How Replacing Coal With Renewable Energy Could Pay For Itself, Tobias Adrian, Patrick Bolton & Alissa M. Kleinnijenhuis, IMFBlog, June 8, 2022
- Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva’s Opening Remarks at IMF Policy Dialogue: Climate-Related Financial Risks and Green Finance in Asia and the Pacific, June 1, 2022
- IMF Market Insights on LinkedIn: The Great Carbon Arbitrage, IMF Market Insights, June 1, 2022
- Opening Remarks by Tobias Adrian, delivered at the IMF Policy Dialogue on Climate-Related Financial Risks and Green Finance in Asia and the Pacific, June 1, 2022
- The Great Carbon Arbitrage, Tobias Adrian, Patrick Bolton & Alissa M. Kleinnijenhuis, VoxEU, June 1, 2022
- The Great Carbon Arbitrage, Imperial College Business School, June 1, 2022
- The Great Carbon Arbitrage, Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School, June 1, 2022
- Phasing out coal could generate ‘social benefits’ worth $78 trillion, Imperial College London, June 1, 2022